It aims to inspire future generation to
The Doers (Realistic)

Nick & Ali, the owner of Cold Moo is sharing their personal journey and strugle in facing new environment and facing pressures in doing what they love and passionate about which is to make the most delicious and mouth watering cookies and ice creams. Get to know how they turned their challenges in the pastry and ice cream industry into one of the most sought after ice cream spot in South Jakarta.
Baninka Azhim Askari (@azhimenteur), better known as Azhim, is a museum conservator working for the most known museums in Indonesia and does his job through the motive of educating and informing the public face of Indonesia and, especially the next generations to come, of what Indonesia's history and culture represent and narrate. His daily routine consists of planning and curating special displays for Museum Nasional Indonesia and educating everybody of its importance. Continue here to know more about his story!
The Thinkers (Investigative)

Who knows that being a doctor means you can be surrounded and works with toys and games? Dr. Wiliana Huang, a play therapist has been helping children's emotional challenges through the use of toys, games and playset. Find out how happiness can increase health and her passion in helping children
Dr. Lucas Welfried (@dokterlucaswelfried), an Internist at Pertamina Jaya Hospital points out the need of good communication and high level of curiosity that is needed to become a successful internist. He chose to become internest since 60-70% of diagnosis can be done through history taking session with the patients. This can help save money for the more unfortunate patients with financial problems. Commitment is a priority, patients are number one, there is no holiday and official working hour as an Internist. Most importantly saving lives and gratitude from families are his most memorable reward.
Sheherazade's love for tropical rainforests and wild animals led her to a career as Environmental & Wildlife Specialist at Tambora Muda and Conservation Science Specialist at Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program. She is also the Co-Founder of PROGRES, the Sulawesi Regional Ecological Conservation Initiative. With many other experiences, Tempo Magazine awarded her Women Earth Guardian.
Helping aquatic animals in need, Eka Deandra is a veterinarian at the Jakarta Aquarium, specializing in aquatic animals. Being inspired by a TV show she watched as a little kid, Eka set her mind to become a veterinarian and to this day, has helped the injured and feeble creatures. She hopes to continue aiding animals in many ways and in doing so, become a fraction of the population in Indonesia aiding in animal care.
Amelia Riana (@ameliarianaa) is a business development executive at Telkomsel, who essentially work with clients to find revenue through using their skills to encourage and convince clients to do their work and aim to enhance their performance and reach their targets. As being a business development (BD) executive involves the craft of negotiation, there is often trial and error that comes with working. But with struggles comes opportunities, and Amelia expresses the rewards and benefits that comes with being a passionate BD.
As this world continues to develop, environmental issues are becoming more prevalent, calling for more helpers to better its conditions. The job of an environmental engineer is to help particular companies to reach their mini sustainable development goals, and Muchtazar explains the importance of achieving them in Unilever, one of the world's leading multinational companies.
Meet Retno Ayu Widyastuti, a nutritionist and co-founder of a nutritional education platform in hopes of educating Indonesia and the importance of taking care of your health and body. She speaks fondly of passion, narrating that she pursues to balance her career orf being a supervisor and a nutritionist.
The fascinating subject of food science gives you an opportunity of discovering new things about food and ultimately helping better the quality of food in the long run. Fellow foodie Josephine Christina is an independent and long-time food scientist who surrounds herself with her passion for food and helping others like companies and independent clients to see the good in what we consume.
The job of a GIS Analyst is essential to the livelihoods of the world, as they are the ones who analyze spatial data and deduce conclusions and data sets for different companies. In the tropical country of Indonesia where the environment is ever-changing, GIS analysts are needed more than ever, and Rahmah Devi Hapsari, better known as Devi, narrates her passion and appreciation for natural resources and maximizing its abilities as well as improving it.
Meet Immanuel Deo S, a reliabiity engineer at Schlumberger. He explains his job, experiece, and most importantly, passion of working as an engineer for one of the world's biggest energy industries. With challenges come rewards and memorable moments, and Immanuel highlights this through his anecdotes.
The Creators (Artistic)

"Being an interior designer is not all about making pretty or instagrammable spots, but you have to become a solution maker who can add unique value and fulfil your clients’ needs.” said Mita Lukardi @mitalukardi, founder of M Design Consultant @mdesign_id. She was determined to become an interior designer when she was in her 2nd year of senior high school. However, her passion in the field actually start way earlier when she was 6 or 7 years old observing her dad. She also shares that being observant of your surroundings helps bring more inspiration to her design.
Satrio Wibowo, the author of the Chronicles of Willy Flarkies, remembers his inspiration to start writing. He was running from the real life; full of bullying and boring daily activities. He uses his imagination and takes inspiration from JK Rowling for her out of the world imagination and never give up attitude. Nothing is without a struggle, like JK Rowling herself, he had to accept publishers rejecting his work until he got someone that see his work for who he is and takes him to where he is now today.
Meet Thoersi Argeswara, a film composer for some of the finest Indonesian films out there. Starting in 1997, it wasn't always easy for him. Many challenges, career changes and further lessons in classical musics helps him to be where he is today. The ability to understand classical music is also a plus but you don't need it to become a good film composer, "What you need is passion and experience as well as an understanding of the meaning of that movie", said Thoersi.
The world of musical consists of stories and different musics that are well put together to attract audiences into their world. Samples of that includes Les Miserables, the Wicked, Lion King, and more. Since a child, Franceska, an actor and acting coach at the West End, has enjoyed acting and singing. "The fact that we can combine acting and singing while at the same time a story can be told better through the use of music, makes everything perfect" said Franceska. The fact that we can often remember the memories of attending our first musicals means a job well done and a story worth telling
"You have to be nosy about things, who is responsible for this, why does it happen?" said Lilufa, a journalist from the Guardian. Being a journalist gives a lot of new opportunities for people to get exposed to the world, experience new culture, travel the world and hear people's story. Lilufa enjoyes meeting with new people and writing and becoming a journalist allows her to tell people's stories through her writing.
Mariska Setiawan (@mariska.setiawan), Indonesian classical singer, shares her story and journey on how she become one of the most passionate classical singers in Indonesia and how she co-founded her classical music community, Komunitas Penyanyi Klasik Surabaya to help and teach those who wants to pursue their musical career. Hear her story only on Vooya Stories!
"SFX makeup, for me, is like a recreation. It's like making a drawing, but by using makeup," said Syska La Veggie, a special effects makeup artist (SFX MUA). She started the job from participating in the theater club during college as a makeup artist. And then she proceeded on joining the film industry by being an SFX makeup artist. One of her most challenging projects was when she was called to join a movie project right the day before. Having yet to read the script, when asked to create a beard, she improvised by cutting bits and bits of hair from the film crews.
"The make-up artist career can't be pursued half-heartedly. Because every second, every effort, and every thought--it's all in your hands," said Talia Subandrio, a Film & Commercial Makeup Artist (MUA). One day, months after getting her bachelor's degree in arts and working as a graphic designer and fashion stylist, Talia decided that she needed to find her true calling and joined a makeup course. She pursued the makeup artist career by doing freelances and finally getting called for big projects, such as magazine photo-shoots and advertisement creating. She usually spends her time by working on projects and working on her portfolio when she is not, from Monday to Sunday.
Rivo Pahlevi (@rivopahlevi) is a reporter and journalist for Trans7, who unexpectedly pursued being a journalist through an open opportunity and to this day, continues to listen and tell the stories of others locally around Indonesia since 2013. Although he expresses that becoming a journalist involves a whole set of processes, the outcome is most definitely a pay-off for all the hard work and labour done. To know more about his story, continue on over!
Meet Josh Marcy, a contemporary professional dancer, working independently and sometimes, with dance studio companies. He started off majoring in law, but set dancing aside as a little escape. Later in the future, however, Josh discovers that dancing is, indeed, his calling and by the end, pursued his true passion in life.
Choreography is a difficult profession to do as it requires both teaching abilities and patience. Josh Marcy (@josmarcy) is an independent choreographer and contemporary dancer who takes pride in creating choreographies for different dancers and associations. The thrill of dancing is Josh’s biggest passion, which resulted in him turning it from his hobby to his profession.
Andrew Suryono is an aspiring photographer who aims to inspire people to take small actions for the environment through his photographs. Having worked with National Geographic, SONY, and other governmental organizations, he continues to inspire and make everybody's lives through his lenses, whether it be through magazines or online platforms. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, and he believes in creating small and consistent changes.
"I think the more important thing is the skill: how we create compositions, how we decide on which colors to use, how we deliver our ideas deliberately by using metaphors and many more. That skill-learning process is timeless," said Dion MBD, a professional illustrator. Dion usually creates enticing illustration for publications, such as books, advertisements, magazine editorials, and many more. Dion stated that he needs to learn various styles in order to be a versatile illustrator. He wished that those who want to be an illustrator will continue training in drawing and illustrating, even up to 8-9 hours a day, because it will all be worth it.
The Helpers (Social)

"Every one starts from zero, there’s no where to go but up. Confidence and fear in English Speaking is what mostly set backs people", said Elizabeth Surbakti @blissfuliz . She is the Corporate Director at Impact, a company that provides mainly business to business language consultant. Their goal is to provide solutions for all things related to the English and Indonesian language. Started of with a business background and later on becoming a language teacher and the principal of that English language establishment, she soon realised a higher and growing needs for corporate clients that each have different language improvement needs for different division of the company.
Being able to teach and to use science in our everyday life is important. But to be able to explain the reason for a certain thing to happen for those who are no longer able to tell their story has a certain meaning. Meet Joe, a science teacher from the Royal Institution of Great Britain, is passionate about teaching the world of science and the forensics world to students. He emphasised that "People needs to understand the world they are living in and get involved in science for the future", said Joe.
Keeping your body performing at the top of its game is an essential element to live a healthy life. Geybi Putra (@geybipp) is a personal trainer at Gorilla Gym Jakarta who pursues in helping others reach their potential health and lifestyle with his knowledge and passion, doing so initially as a hobby and now as a professional.
Kirti Sharma (@kirzsharz), a certified public speaker, a professional motivator, a lecturer, and an author of two books who used to be an extreme introvert and didn't know she would have a passion for communication back then. She shares her story of how she fought her fear and got out of her comfort zone so now she is often thanked by other people for inspiring them because of her amazing communication skill. Listen to her inspiring story only on Vooya Stories!
Curious about the particular person's voice resonates in a particular event? This is the job of a master of ceremony, or better known as MC, and Erwin Wong specializes in "MCing" weddings. He explains what he enjoys most is entertaining, and being that he started hosting under unexpected terms, it showed he pursued what he was truly passionate at.
Being a psychologist can oftentimes require you to think outside the box, allowing yourself to take both the knowledge that you’ve learnt as well as your experiences. In the case of psychologist Nur Ihsanti Amalia (@nurihsantia), better known as Santi, the experiences of her past shaped her to who she is today.
The Persuaders (Enterprising)

"I do this job for the passion and the excitement of doing something I love together with supporting work colleagues that have the same hobbies and passion as me.", said Rini Damanik @rinidamanik, Operational Manager at St. Ali Jakarta @stalijakarta. To be an excellent barista, you don’t only need to make the best coffee out there but also being able to maintain a good relationship between the customers and the internal team as well. "I started from Lombok and there were not many specialists there, I have to learn everything myself and get out there to reach my dreams.", said Rini. Knowing what your passion can sure help you drive your motivation for your future.
Lolo Sianipar, Founder and Director of Piar Consulting said PR is all about building and maintaining the company's reputation and brand image. There is little to no room for errors and mistakes, thus attention to detail is one of the most important characters as a successful PR Consultant. You also have to able to maintain fast-past communication with your clients to adopt changes and challenges.
Meet Harry Deje, the Public Relations consultant of H+K Strategies Indonesia who mostly create the creative strategists and also play a role as a managing director. He had shared his story and journey of being passionate in communication and strategy from his high school years until today. Check Harry’s story to find out more about his stories and journeys!
Meet Vena Kresnan (@venakresnan), an event organizer and one of the three Co-Founders of DAMN! Inc (@damninc). She has the honour and responsibility of organizing events, which requires the team to work and think outside the box together and also the personality & the vibe of the team are not that rigid. Although she graduated from UGM’s Pharmacy, she now successfully builds a successful company that not only does Event Organizing, but also artist management and movie production.
"Being a diplomat means expect the unexpected, you have to be ready to be assigned in whichever role to represent our country and to bring honor in the name of Indonesia. You get to see the world with different perspective.", said Dias Kinanthi @diaskinanthi, an Indonesian Diplomat working in Directorate General of Social Culture. As diplomat, she has to represent, negotiate, report, manage and protect the integrity of Indonesia and its citizen. In that department, she works with a lot of international organisation such as WHO, ILO, and UNESCO.
"A film is a communication media, a platform for directors to express what's on their minds. When everything in the director's head is successfully delivered to the audience, that makes it a great film," said Pritagita Arianegara, a female Film Director. She first started her career in the industry by working as a script continuity supervisor. After 12 years in the industry, she got her first chance of being a film director, gaining experience from living in remote Indonesian areas to do research to doing a movie project located in the seas. Throughout her career, she have no regrets of getting involved in the film industry.
Rendy Diopasca (@rendydiopascaa) works as a partner engagement coordinator at Traveloka Eats. Every day, he always finds new challenges in carrying out his profession that requires skills such as engaging communication and critical thinking for processing data, two expertise that contrast. Rendy, who has an educational background different from his current profession, admits that finding our purpose and passion is the most important thing to find the right career. Listen to Rendy's passion discovery journey exclusively here!
Ever wonder what the job of a social and community service manager is like? Then listen to Fardhan Zaka Ramzy's story of working for Tokopedia. Fardhan explains his working environment and context as being both enjoyable and a challenge, even for somebody who has always enjoyed storytelling and being surrounded by people.
"Before we start helping others in need, we need to make sure that we already know how to help ourselves. So when we help people, we are fully available for them," said Lady Noor Chita on what mental health enthusiasts should do if they want to make a career in the industry. Chita is a Social & Community Service Manager and co-founder at She met her partner, Arif, while pursuing her study in psychology and decided that they want to improve mental health services in Indonesia through They offer many points of difference compared to conventional counseling, one of them being online counseling--making mental health services more accessible to people.