Latest Workshops
22 June 2025Australia Experiential Study Tour - Registration Fee8 days. 8 Experiential Workshops. 2 Campus Visits. 10 Certificates.
01 July 2025London Experiential Study Tour - Registration Fee10 Days. 12 Experiential Workshops. 14 Certificates.
15 December 2025Tokyo Experiential Study Tour - Registration Fee9 days. 8 Experiential Workshops. 10 Certificates.
01 March 2023Vooya Stories - BasicPlatform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix. Dapatkan juga 1x Passion Indicator Assessment.
07 March 2023Vooya Stories - Premium Plus1x Passion Personality Assessment + 1 jam konsultasi setelah tes + Akses ke Platform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix
1-on-1 Career Coaching for ProfessionalPilih dari berbagai topik coaching yang akan membantumu menemukan karir yang tepat dan meningkatkan karirmu.
Bundle Package: 1 Assessment & 1 WorkshopTemukan Passionmu dan Rencanakan perjalanan hidup, karir serta edukasi
Personal Statement CoachingElevate Your Scholarship & University Application Essay
Career Narrative Coaching for ProfessionalCraft compelling Job Application to land your dream job
Passion SparkApakah Anda khawatir dengan masa depan anak Anda? Apakah Anda ingin membimbing mereka menuju karir impian mereka tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana cara melakukannya? Passion Spark adalah jawaban untuk Anda!
Tes Minat Karir & JurusanTes Minat, Konsultasi dan Platform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix
Passion Perseverance AssessmentPaket Comprehensive Passion Test, Perseverance Test, Konsultasi dan Platform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix
Vooya Stories - VIPPaket Comprehensive Passion Test, Perseverance Test, Konsultasi dan Platform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix
02 December 2023Dreams Destination: Designing a Life-Changing Education & Career Path AbroadVooyagers, pernahkah kamu bermimpi untuk melanjutkan studi di luar negeri? Dapatkan insight mengenai apa saja yang perlu kamu persiapkan sebelum memulai perjalanan #StudyAbroad kamu!
09 November 2023Experiential Study Tour Info Session: Unveiling Winter Study AdventuresPelajari bagaimana kamu bisa menjelajah passion melalui workshop CSI Forensics atau dubbing di NHK, stasiun TV terbesar di Jepang, dan masih banyak lagi!
Vooya Stories - PremiumPlatform eksplorasi profesi ala Netflix. Dapatkan juga 1x Passion Personality Assessment
03 January 2022HiWork - Movie Industry Behind the ScenePenasaran gimana sih BTS (behind the scene) dari suatu film? Mulai dari pelaku kreatif (dari novel & naskah) hingga ahli hukum, semuanya terlibat dalam industri film!
31 July 2021Passion Playground 2021 - Entry PassThe Largest Career Exploration Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Mentorship. 200+ speakers | 60 sessions | 12 Industries Talks
31 July 2021Passion Playground 2021 - Thrill PassThe Largest Career Exploration Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Mentorship. 200+ speakers | 60 sessions | 12 Industries Talks
31 July 2021Passion Playground 2021 - Festive PassThe Largest Career Exploration Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Mentorship. 200+ speakers | 60 sessions | 12 Industries Talks
31 July 2021Passion Playground 2021 - VIP PassThe Largest Career Exploration Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Mentorship. 200+ speakers | 60 sessions | 12 Industries Talks
22 May 2021HiWork: The Ultimate Guide to Work In FMCG IndustryPengen kerja di salah satu perusahaan FMCG terbesar tapi gak tau gimana? Pengen cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang gimana sih kerja disitu? Look no futher!
28 November 2020Passion Playground Online Festival (Full Ride Pass)A Virtual Career Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Stories
28 November 2020Passion Playground Online Festival (Thrill Pass)A Virtual Career Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Stories
28 November 2020Passion Playground Online Festival (Free Ticket)A Virtual Career Festival of Passion, Inspiration, and Stories
20 May 2020Design Your Life Story for Students (Weekday)Have you ever thought of fulfilling your life goal? Join Introduction - Design Your Life Story Workshop for students to create your life story to realize your lifetime goal.
24 April 2020Design Your Life Story for Professionals (Weekday)Apakah kamu sudah memikirkan bagaimana cara merealisasikan tujuan hidupmu? Ikuti workshop Introduction - Design Your Life Story for Professionals untuk menuliskan cerita hidupmu & merealisasikan tujuan hidup.
25 April 2020Design Your Life Story for Professionals (Weekend)Apakah kamu sudah memikirkan bagaimana cara merealisasikan tujuan hidupmu? Ikuti workshop Introduction - Design Your Life Story for Professionals untuk menuliskan cerita hidupmu & merealisasikan tujuan hidup.
25 April 2020Design Your Life Story for Students (Weekend)Have you ever thought of fulfilling your life goal? Join Introduction - Design Your Life Story Workshop for students to create your life story to realize your lifetime goal.
22 January 2020(Introduction) Learn How to Design Your Life StoryHi Learners! Have you ever thought of fulfilling your life goal? Yet, do you really know what your goal is in life? Have you ever been worried that you may only live as time goes by? What matters most to you? And how do you want your life to be remembered at your obituary?