Vooya | Passion without Borders
Vooya Lab



Vooya Lab provides a Passion-Perseverance Assessment: a comprehensive assessment to help you know the majors, professions, and careers that suit you best based on your passion; and how you response to challenges and live up to your passion. This assessment consists of two parts: the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) QuickTake.

Who Benefits from This Workshop

Our workshop can benefit any individuals who is looking to better understand their lifetime goals and how to achieve them. To give you an illustration of the output you may be looking for, we have distinguished the common life milestone into three segments of participants, each with their own purpose and expected outcome.
  • Students who want to know more about their passion and reaction to challenges
  • High school students who wish to be more confident in choosing the right major in college
  • College students who wish to understand more about prospective careers in their field
  • Parents who wish to understand more about their child’s passion and their reaction to challenges
  • Parents who wish to help their children be more confident in choosing the right major in college
  • Parents who wish to help their children understand more about prospective careers in their interested field
  • Professionals who wish to understand their motivation and interest
  • Professionals who wants to explore new career options
  • Professionals who wish to know their resilience and degree of adversity



Passion-Perseverance Assessment consists of three parts:




SII is a psychological assessment to help you make the best decision about career and education based on your interests. Using this assessment, you will get to know yourself better by understanding what you like based on your personality. Then, you will able to explore a variety of careers and education programs where people with similar interests and personality thrive. As a result, you will find the profession and major that best suit you.

The General Occupational Themes (GOTs) Chart


Tangible. Hands-on results


Knowledge, analysis, inquiry


Creativity, self-expression


Helping, teaching, empowering


Persuading, leading, marketing


Organizing, order, managing info




ARP Quick Take is a psychological assessment to help you know how your response to adversity. Through this assessment, you will get to know yourself better, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your ability to deal with and overcome hardships in the process of living up to your passion.

Quitter Camper Climber

The Quitter

I won’t be able to do it. I will wait for the others at the bottom of the mountain.


The Camper

I’ve done a lot and I’m already proud of my achievements. I don’t want to do more, it will just tire myself out.


The Climber

I won’t stop until I reach the top. There are still a lot of things I haven’t learned yet and I’m determined to conquer them all.




Our certified practitioners will help you apply your assessment results and take action. If you are a student, this session may focus mostly on your Generation Occupational Themes and Basic Interests to help you select a college major or begin your initial career exploration. Meanwhile, if you are a professional, this session may focus more on the occupations and Personal Style Scale for the purpose of career enrichment or transition.

Vooya Lab Packages

Passion Indicator Assessment

Passion Indicator Assessment
  • Passion Indicator Online Report consists of
    Basic interest, work activities, values, and potential skills of 1 highest Passion Code


  • 30 mins Intepretation IDR 250.000
  • 60 mins consultation IDR 500.000

Passion Personality Assessment

Passion Personality Assessment
  • Passion Personality Assessment Online Report:
    1. Complete passion code combination
    2. Personalized career motivator
    3. Work activities, potential skills, values
    4. Suggested Area of interest & studies


  • 60 mins consultation IDR 500.000

Passion Perseverance Assessment

Passion Perseverance Assessment
  • Comprehensive Passion Assessment, consists of
    1. Complete passion code combination
    2. Personalized career motivator
    3. Personalized area of interest
    4. Personalized suitable occupations
    5. Personal style
  • Perseverance Assessment
  • 1 Online / Printed Assessment Report + 1 After Consultation Report
  • 1 hour of guided test + 1.5 hours of Interpretation Consultation

Perseverance Assessment

Perseverance Assessment
  • Perseverance Assessment Online Report consists of level of perseverance (how you respond to challenges and problems)



  • 30 mins Intepretation IDR 250.000
  • 60 mins consultation IDR 500.000

What Makes
Vooya Lab Different

  Psychological Consultant
What will you get? Professional consultation and general psychological tests Professional consultation with a more personal approach and specific career interests and adversity assessments
What will be assessed? Tested only on aptitude and personality of participants Assessed on interests, personalities, passions, and adversity of participants
What happen after the consultation? Only provide information about the participants Continous assistance along with Vooya Journey and Vooya Coach
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