Heroic Narrative

Book & Toolkit ,
Heroic Narrative
Rp 500.000


  • Size & Dimension

    Card Size: 9cm x 11.5cm

    Box Size: 9.2cm x 11.7cm

  • Product Detail

    As the main protagonist of your life story, identify which archetype suits you better. Look into the 12 different archetypes and create your own heroic journey, from how you develop this power, what motivates you to achieve certain goals, and how you achieve your goals and overcome every obstacle along the way.

    This Herroic Narative set consists of

    • 1 (one) Heroic Archetype Quiz card
    • 1 (one) My Heroicc Archetype card
    • 12 (twelve) different Heroic Archetype Profile cards

    Archetype Card is part of Design Your Life Story Workshop.

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