Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are a demographic cluster that directly follows Generation X. A Time magazine article placed the Millennials as those who were born at 1980-2000.

Today, the term millennial is not merely a word describing a demographic cluster, but it also indicates a specific lifestyle attached to Gen Y. This lifestyle reflects certain attitudes that make millennials unique compared to their elders.

So here are the 3 millennials’ attitudes that make them a standout generation.

A Tendency to Reach Beyond Their Bubble

Photo by Octavian Rosca on Unsplash

This generation thrive on co-creation and cooperative movements. Their ability to make the most of technology leads to dozens of innovations that bring great impacts to society.

Take Go-Jek for example. The Indonesia tech startup specializing in ride-hailing and logistics has transformed Indonesia public transportation. The company started from a tiny call center with only 20 ojek drivers. But now, it ranks in Top 10 Most Powerful Brands in Indonesia and becomes Indonesia’s first unicorn.

Awareness of Their Surroundings

Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Millennials are aware of their surroundings and have the ability to read the room. They are an idealistic and altruistic generation. They are passionate about social causes that benefit the greater good. They join voluntary programs more than any other generation. One recent study found the average millennial gives nearly $600 per year to charitable causes. While this is lower than older generations, despite that millennial are battling student loan debt, a rising cost of living, and stagnant salaries.

International Mindset

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash

Travelling has become almost second nature for millennials. Instead of saving up for a house, many millennials choose to save up for a long and cost-effective trip overseas. They work in long hours to save more so that they can afford to get away once in a while. They are always wanting to discover new places and cultures – exploring the unknown.

But somehow, millennials get easily bored. When it comes to traveling, they seek for what other people have rarely experienced. They demand something new and different. If you are one of these millennials, embarking on an Experiential Study Tour will be the best option for you.

Experiential Study Tour is an overseas trip program from Vooya Journey which enables you to explore your passion by experiencing many extraordinary activities in one go. In this trip, you will visit the world’s most inspiring cities such as London, New York, and Tokyo, and try various types of professions through a series of workshops across disciplines. You will know how it’s like to be a chef, a journalist, a scientist, an engineer, a barista, an athlete, or an actor.

Let’s put an end to your pursuit of new and different travel experience and embark on the Experiential Study Tour instead!

For more info about the Experiential Study Tour, head to this page: http://vooya.id/vooyajourney



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